terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013

Protocols... [Part 1]


I participate in a couple of electronics forums such as Arduino's and LeafLabs and a common question that pops up every now and then is how to make two systems "talk" to each other. Most of the time, people already have their hardware in place, be it TTL UART, RS232 and variants, Ethernet or Bluetooth, you name it, but there seems to be a consistent problem in getting both systems or machines to actually talk to each other.

What are protocols?

According to Merriam Webster:

"In computer science, a set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as computers. In order for computers to exchange information, there must be a preexisting agreement as to how the information will be structured and how each side will send and receive it. Without a protocol, a transmitting computer, for example, could be sending its data in 8-bit packets while the receiving computer might expect the data in 16-bit packets. Protocols are established by international or industry wide organizations. Perhaps the most important computer protocol is OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), a set of guidelines for implementing networking communications between computers. The most important sets of Internet protocols are TCP/IP, HTTP, and FTP."
This is all fine and pretty, but doesn't really tell us much about our problem...

One example of a high level protocol (which is what we really want to achieve) is HTTP. HTTP will tell your browser how to display a given text and images. Same with XML, where data is, normally, well categorized.

But we really don't need to go that far for most Arduino applicaations...
The simplest communication protocol I've "created", is really the one for my encoder simulator on the Maple board. It only works one way (computer to Maple) and there's no error detection or feedback given.

//--------------+SERIAL COMMUNICATION+--------------  
//take care of comms...
  if (SerialUSB.available() > 0)
    switch(SerialUSB.read()) {
      case '0': {
        freq = 100;
      case '1': {
        freq = 500;
      case '2': {
        freq = 1000;
      case '3': {
        freq = 50;
      case 'F': {
        dir = 'F';
      case 'B': {
        dir = 'B';
      case 'I': {
      case 'N': {
      case 'R': {
    }//end switch


As you can see from the above code, if I press a number between 0 and 3 I'll change the "speed" of the encoder, with the letters B and F I change the direction of the encoder, etc...

This is as simple as it gets... it works one way, but what if we actually wanted to specify the frequency at which the encoder will run?

For that we'd have to define how to send that data to the Maple... but first...

ASCII or binary data???

ASCII which stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange is how most communications are sent between machines. HTTP, for example, uses ASCII. This means that when you see this A on this webpage, the binary number sent by Blogger's server was in fact 65. This is then translated to the A you see.
This shouldn't be a stretch to imagine, imagining numbers, however is a bit weirder. This because, the ASCII code for 4 is not 4, but 52. Go over to asciitable.com and have a look. This may be confusing, but if you think of ASCII as a code it gets easier with time. Also, remember that the Arduino IDE sends data in ASCII.
One experiment you can run to understand this is to download the ASCII Table example from the Arduino IDE and run it. There you'll see this.

But what is binary data?

Well, as we see, humans invented ASCII so they could send letters and numbers based on numbers... because, computers and microcomputers work in numbers... or better yet, in binary sequences
. To them everything is a long sequence of 0's and 1's. So we created ASCII to basically give meaning to these bit sequences.

So, you can either send your data in an ASCII format (that you can read as you type it in the Serial port program) or you can use a binary format. Now... how do you use a binary format?

Say for example that you wanted to send the value 48 in binary data, all you had to do was to type "0" on your serial port and the Arduino would receive the value 48. You could then use it directly in calculations in your program. Now, imagine that you wanted to send "48" in ASCII...
You would have to first send a byte with the value "4" and then another byte with the value "8". Your program would then have to convert these two bytes in binary format so you could use it in your Arduino program.

Hope this makes it clear for all of you. Normally, in small projects where there won't be a dedicated PC program to interface with the microcontroller, we tend to use ASCII as it makes it easier for us to interface with the device. But, when there is a dedicated PC program on one end, then sometimes it's a lot better to transmit data in binary format as it avoids conversion functions inside the microcontroller.
Obviously, when you send strings that will be displayed (on an LCD for example), ASCII is the way to go.

Stay tuned for the next part.

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